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Check Out Our Recent CEJ Publications Below!

Climate adaptation research priorities and funding: a review of US federal departments’ climate action plans

National-level governments are directing and funding climate adaptation research, which is essential to informing effective and equitable adaptation practices. We sought to understand how United States (US) federal agencies prioritize, direct, and fund research related to climate adaptation and climate resilience through analyzing climate action plans created in 2021 by 13 agencies who are members of the US Global Change Research Program. We examine: (1) agencies’ stated climate adaptation research priorities; (2) how agencies address collaboration, outreach, accessibility, and usability of research outcomes; and (3) agencies’ adaptation research funding opportunities. We argue that certain research needs, justice and equity considerations, and interdisciplinary research should be emphasized to a greater degree. While adaptation research capacity and funding opportunities are expanding, they remain inadequate for the scale of research needed.

US federal agencies vary in their integration of research as a core component of their climate adaptation plans, but most prioritize research that is relevant and accessible to stakeholders and decision-makers.
While all agencies addressed environmental justice, some could more substantially incorporate justice considerations into their climate adaptation research.
Adaptation research and strategies should ensure that collaborations are inclusive and sustainable and would benefit from meaningful and respectful collaboration with tribes and Indigenous Peoples, as well as marginalized and under-represented groups.
Multidisciplinary research is key to climate adaptation and should be enhanced through increasing funding support for crosscutting programmes.

CEJ Co-founder, Melinda Laituri, recently published this book:

The Geographies of Covid-19    as part of the Global Perspectives on Health Geography book series (GPHG)

"The consequential geography of the pandemic exposes a landscape of inequality and vulnerable populations. The pandemic illuminates differential access to critical infrastructure for remote learning, availability of health care, and access to basic services. This crisis magnifies fundamental inequalities that require robust data to track the virus in at-risk populations as well as identify innovative solutions for both economic and community health at a local scale." Laituri, M. 2022.

CEJ's Stephanie Malin co-authored a new book about community change in the face of environmental injustice.

Available now at Rutgers University Press

Rivers Across Borders: Environmental Justice in the Rio Grande Basin

by Mindy Hill, Melinda Laituri, and Stephanie Malin

Image is a photograph of the Rio Grande River flanked by brown sand banks and green sage brush.


© 2021

Editors (view affiliations): Beth Schaefer Caniglia, Andrew Jorgenson, Stephanie A. Malin, Lori Peek, David N. Pellow, Xiaorui Huang

***AUTHOR EVENT: January 31, 2022 Free Webinar link here



© 2021

The Palgrave Handbook of Environmental Labour Studies

Editors (view affiliations) Nora Räthzel, Dimitris Stevis, David Uzzell

Stay tuned for webinar series coming in Spring, 2022!

Cover of book features image on top of a red dirt feild with two arcing lines and five people whose shadows reach toward the right hand side of the image. The bottom half of the cover is royal blue with the title and editors listed in white text.



Water Ready Team Launches first Water Justice Event

THANK YOU to Colorado State University students Benton Roesler, Victoria Silva, and Amber Obermaier for their student leadership launching our first WaterReady project. Last Saturday we were able to distribute 400 Brita Elite Water Filters to residents at a local mobile home community. Thanks to volunteers from Serve 6.8 for organizing the pitcher delivery with us!

Together with community, we are trying to understand if any issues of water access and/or water quality exist so that we can co-construct viable, equitable solutions. Colorado Water Center's Jessica J. Thrasher, and Center for Environmental Justice Co-Founder and Co-Director, Stephanie Malin round out our Colorado State University team and guide our WaterJustice efforts.

This collaborative team is building on the generous efforts of communities across Colorado who advocated to pass HB 23-1257, the Mobile Home Park Water Quality Act. We are putting legislation into action! You can read more about state-wide efforts here:

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– CEJ Team

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